Ambiente tessile - Fabric area

Le belle arti sono sempre state motivo di interesse e studio e nei TESSUTI ho ritrovato la declinazione di una forma d'arte affascinante e versatile, tale da dedicarmici con entusiasmo ed integrarla tra le mie proposte d'arredo. Ora, a distanza di anni, l'arredo tessile é diventato parte imprescindibile del mio lavoro, sposandosi con naturalezza tanto ai mobili d'epoca, così come a soluzioni più fresche.



I have always been fascinated by fine arts, that is why I have studied them and i have to admit that in fabrics I have discovered a kind of similitude, considering fabrics a form of art so fascinating and versatile that I have devoted myself to its study in such an enthusiastic way to let fabrics become one of my decor proposals.

Now, even if lot of time has passed, the decor with fabrics has become an essential and unavoidable part of my work, being able to naturally embrace either vintage or classic pieces of furniture or modern and crisp solutions.

I nostri marchi - Our brands